Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Euroclean Xtreme Vacuum Cleaner

The purpose of extreme cleaning and big performance is well served by this Eureka Forbes vacuum cleaner called the Euroclean Xtreme. It is light weight, weighing only 6.120 kg and comes at 580 mm x 250 mm x 235 mm dimensions. It is user friendly as well as child-friendly. It does not give any electric shock while running as it comes doubly insulated with a PVC jacket, thus ensuring complete safety. At 230 v AC voltage, 50Hz1200 watts input power, 2300 mm/wc suction of motor, 35 litres/Sec blower efficiency, this Eureka Forbes Vacuum Cleaner is the ultimate buy for that perfect home cleaning experience.
Visit eurekaforbes.com to know in detail about this Euroclean appliance. Here are few more features of this appliance worth mentioning:
•Comes with a six stage air filtration feature
•Powerful dry vacuuming is facilitated by its input power
•Aesthetically pleasing given the stylish Swiss design with stainless steel cover
•Easy storage is facilitated by the auto cord winder.   

Getting rid of dust mites is a challenge today. These harbor in dust and they multiply in thousands by the second. Those who are suffering from allergies are actually victims of these dust mites. There can be no effective appliance than a vacuum cleaner to get rid of these dust mites. The Euroclean series is the highest selling vacuum cleaners in the Indian market. Each Euroclean Eureka Forbes vacuum cleaner is an archetype of latest technology, innovation, advanced features, performance, and effectiveness in removing dust and dust mites.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly getting rid of dust mites is a challenge today and needs to withdraw attention into. Thanks for posting this information.
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