Wednesday, 15 August 2012

One Brand, Many Users

We are a big family and it is but a pleasant surprise that many of our relatives (at least 11 families) use the Euroclean vacuum cleaner from the house of Eureka Forbes. We are all highly satisfied with their performance and efficiency. I must say Euroclean can be completely banked upon for a perfect cleaning of the interiors and exterior space, vehicles, etc. The Eureka Forbes vacuum cleaner price was never a constraint for us or any of our relatives. What we wanted was quality, technology, and effectiveness and the appliances well served the three purposes. And I am all praises for the Eureka Forbes Customer Care executives. They are always ready to attend calls and cater to the customers’ service support needs. We have availed service support for nearly seven times during a course of two and a half years. Every time we dialed the Eureka Forbes customer care number, the executive at the other end responded politely, queried on us on the complaints, noted them, and promised of calling back in no time. And indeed they kept their promise every time. Within 24 hours of placing the request some trained technician used to turn up, particularly at our specified time, and get the problem fixed in no time.

If you guys want to know about the Eureka Forbes Vacuum Cleaner Price, features, and technical specifications, you are only a dial away. This is how our relatives dialed the Eureka Forbes customer care number (3988 3333) and bought vacuum cleaners according to their preferences.

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